What this skeleton told us: Evidence
A likely older adult woman with a poorly preserved skeleton that limits our understanding of the individual. There is evidence of dental plaque and tooth loss during her life. There is also osteoarthritis in both her shoulders and knees as well as affecting some of the spine. There are lesions on the bones of both the lower legs (tibias and fibulas) and the right thigh bone (femur) that may be the result of an infection.
Interpretation of the evidence
Osteoarthritis could have led to pain and stiffness, particularly after resting or following physical activity. Her shoulders and knees could also have been swollen. The infection that potentially affected both her legs could have caused pain too. The tooth loss could have been caused by dental decay, gum disease, and abscesses, and the plaque suggests poor dental hygiene.
Where ælmessan was found in the graveyard
Almsgiving, charity.