What this skeleton told us: Evidence
A young woman of about 20 to 30 years of age and 177cm tall (5 feet 7 inches ). Some teeth had plaque on them, as well as traces of thinned enamel on many of the teeth (enamel defects, or hypoplasia). A well-healed fracture (broken bone) was seen in the middle of the collar bone (clavicle) that had resulted in abnormal rotation of one of the fracture fragments before it had healed. The left eye socket might have been infected. Squatting facets were present on the shin bones (tibias), identified by the presence of small extensions to the joint surfaces at the bottom of the bones.
Interpretation of the evidence
This woman was taller than average for this period of time. Potential evidence of infection of the left eye could have been a serious problem for that time and may have been painful. The old injury to her collar bone probably happened in late childhood. The collar bone is quite easily broken (as rugby players and cyclists know). The plaque suggests poor dental hygiene and the defects a poor diet or disease in childhood. The squatting facets suggest squatting for long periods of time and this might have been related to specific activities she was involved in, such as in farming.
Where Flota was found in the graveyard
Boat, fleet. From Flot; sea. Related, Flot-mann; sailor and Flot-here; pirate force where ‘here’ is raiding army.