The story of Saint Aidan’s arrival in Northumbria

Bamburgh Ossuary Projection Highlights
The Automaton Donation Box showing the miracle of St Aidan and St Oswald's arm in St. Aidan's Church, Bamburgh. Created and crafted for the church in 2019 by the amazing artist Keith Newstead (1956 - 2020)
The Incorrupt Arm
King Oswald invited St. Aidan to his castle for various feasts, although the bishop rarely attended and then would only eat in silence before returning to his prayers. On one particular Easter feast, Aidan got to observe the effect he had on the king. As a silver platter full of rich foods was placed on their table, a servant entered the dining hall to inform the king and bishop of a multitude begging for alms outside the gates. Before Aidan could speak, Oswald immediately ordered all the food to be distributed to the beggars and for the silver plates to be broken into pieces and given to them. Seeing such an act of generosity, Aidan grasped the king’s right hand and blessed him, saying, “May this hand never decay.” And it never did.
Bede records that even after Oswald was struck down in battle his right arm never corrupted and was kept in a shrine where many people reported miraculous cures from the king’s relics.